1. Vacationer – a person who has reserved an accommodation service through the electronic reservation system at www.gamtosoaze.lt, paid for it, and received a document confirming the payment and the right to use the premises. The fee for the premises is calculated according to the agreed rate for the room or cottage. The minimum accommodation duration is no less than 4 nights. Check-in starts at 3:00 PM, and check-out is until 12:00 PM.

By freely choosing arrival and departure dates, the electronic reservation system www.gamtosoaze.lt will provide the corresponding overnight stay price.

If the vacationer does not use the entire accommodation period, the fee for the unused accommodation service is non-refundable.

Cancellation of accommodation services reserved through the electronic reservation system www.gamtosoaze.lt is possible no later than 15 calendar days before the start of the accommodation.

If the vacationer cancels reserved and paid services, refunds are as follows:

Up to 60 100
From 60 to 45 85
From 45 to 30 50
From 30 to 15 25
From 15 to 0 0

A vacationer who has reserved a cottage or room and wishes to change it to another cottage or room, or change the vacation time, can do so no less than 30 days before the scheduled arrival date. If the reservation is changed to a lower amount than originally reserved, the difference is non-refundable. The vacationer wishing to change the reservation must contact the property administrator via email, indicating the reservation number and the desired new room or cottage and date.

2. Upon arrival at the campsite, the responsible campsite employee (administrator) must be presented with a document confirming the right to the accommodation service (reservation confirmation), received by the vacationer at the email address provided via the electronic reservation system www.gamtosoaze.lt, as well as an identity document. The vacationer must fill out and sign the “Declaration of Health Status of the Vacationer and Accompanying Persons” (Appendix No. 1) provided by the campsite employee. Minors without parental or guardian supervision are not accommodated at the campsite.

3. No more persons are accommodated at the campsite than indicated in the reservation confirmation document (excluding children under 5 years of age).

4. By reserving accommodation services through the electronic system, the vacationer confirms that they have read and agree to comply with the internal, fire safety, and environmental protection rules of the campsite and ensures that they and their accompanying persons will adhere to the stated rules.

Alcohol and psychotropic substance use at the campsite is regulated by the laws of the Republic of Lithuania.

5. Upon arrival, the vacationer takes responsibility for the premises and inventory provided for the stay, as listed in each room. Upon departure, the vacationer must return the premises and inventory to the responsible campsite administrator. The returned premises and inventory must be undamaged, clean, and otherwise in good condition. In case of damages or losses, the vacationer must cover the incurred costs.

6. Pillows and blankets are provided without covers. Each vacationer must bring their own set of covers: a sheet, a pillowcase, and a single duvet cover. They should also bring their own towels and hygiene products. If necessary, a set of covers can be rented for an additional fee.


11. The vacationer must:

11.1. Maintain order in the assigned and used premises, wash utensils and equipment, and place them in designated areas.

11.2. Use utensils and equipment only for their intended purpose.

11.3. Use electrical appliances safely and prevent children from using them. Do not leave electrical appliances unattended.


12. Quiet hours at the campsite are from 10:00 PM to 6:00 AM. During quiet hours, noise-generating activities that may disturb the peace and rest of other campers are prohibited.

13. The vacationer is responsible for their actions that disturb the peace and rest of others and may be penalized according to the Administrative Violations Code of the Republic of Lithuania.


14. Vacationer’s responsibilities:

14.1. Act in a way that does not endanger their health and life or that of other vacationers.

14.2. The vacationer and their accompanying persons are fully responsible for any lost, damaged, or destroyed property at the campsite. If damages are caused by minors, their parents, guardians, or responsible persons must compensate for them.

14.3. The vacationer is responsible for injuries to themselves, their accompanying persons, or their children and minors in their care due to their own or their guests’ actions or for loss of their property due to their negligence, violating safety, fire safety, environmental protection, and internal rules. The campsite administration is not responsible for the safety of vacationers’ property on the premises.

14.4. The internal rules of the campsite are provided in all rooms and cottages, and it is the vacationer’s duty to read and comply with them and ensure that accompanying persons do the same.

14.5. The vacationer and their accompanying persons are responsible for accidents and their consequences resulting from alcohol or psychotropic substance use.

14.6. Parents, guardians of minors, or persons responsible for them must ensure the children’s safety: supervise them while swimming, playing, fishing, or engaging in other potentially dangerous activities.


15. At the campsite, it is prohibited to:

15.1. Smoke inside the premises.

15.2. Litter on the campsite grounds.

15.3. Damage campsite property.

15.4. Consume alcohol and psychotropic substances.

15.5. Allow children and minors to swim unsupervised.

15.6. Disturb the peace of others.

15.7. Move or relocate campsite inventory without the administrator’s permission.

15.8. Stay at the campsite without the administrator’s knowledge.

15.9. Stay at the campsite with pets (dogs, cats, etc.) without indicating them in the electronic registration system. The number and type of pets (dog, cat, and their weight) must be specified in the electronic reservation system. When staying with pets at Pape, Latvian animal protection law provisions must be followed. Vacationers with pets are responsible for their care and supervision, ensuring they do not enter common areas.

15.10. Use pyrotechnics; bonfires are allowed only with the administrator’s permission in designated areas.

15.11. Set up tents in the campsite areas, except for children’s play tents.


16. Vacationers must not cause environmental disasters through their actions.

17. Vacationers must adhere to hygiene requirements, using outdoor and indoor toilets.

18. It is prohibited to:

18.1. Litter and pollute the environment.

18.2. Wash greasy dishes, cutlery, and other items in the lake or sea.

18.3. Drive or park motor vehicles near the lake or sea. The minimum distance from the water body must be 25 m. Motor vehicles should be parked only in designated areas.

18.4. Wash items contaminated with oil, fuel, or chemicals in water bodies.

18.5. Pour oil, fuel, or other chemicals into water bodies.

18.6. Cut, destroy, or damage trees or shrubs.

18.7. Fish and hunt without complying with fishing and hunting regulations.

19. Vacationers must protect the environment, natural and cultural heritage values, conserve natural resources, and comply with environmental protection laws.

20. Waste and trash must be disposed of only in designated waste containers. If waste sorting containers are provided, waste should be sorted according to the given instructions.


21. Handle fire safely. Bonfires should be lit only in specially designated fire pits. Always supervise the bonfire, and when finished, ensure the fire pit is completely extinguished by pouring water or sand over it.

22. Smoking and using open flames inside the campsite premises, including common areas, are prohibited.

23. It is prohibited to use pyrotechnics or other fire-hazardous products and devices in the campsite area without the responsible employee’s permission.

24. If a fire is detected, immediately inform the campsite administrator and try to extinguish it. If this is not possible, immediately inform the responsible authorities via the emergency number 112 (this number is also valid in Latvia).


25. In water bodies, it is prohibited to:

25.1. Swim or use swimming devices while under the influence of alcohol or psychotropic substances.

25.2. Swim while chewing food or gum.

25.3. Swim in areas not designated for swimming.

25.4. Swim during storms, squalls, and poor visibility (darkness, thick fog, etc.).

25.5. Swim or wade beyond the marked swimming area boundaries (if marked).

25.6. Children under 12 years old must not swim or use boats without adult supervision.

25.7. Use boats with children under 12 years old without wearing life jackets.

25.8. Swim on car inner tubes, logs, boards, and other items not intended for swimming.

25.9. Swim, dive, or jump from swimming devices while moving.

25.10. Damage or destroy informational and other signs near water bodies.

25.11. Pollute water bodies and their shores, wash laundry, motor vehicles, or containers with harmful substances.

25.12. Use small, sports, recreational boats, water scooters, surfboards, windsurfing boards, power kites, water bicycles, and other vehicles without the responsible campsite administrator’s permission. These vehicles are prohibited from approaching closer than 100 m to the beach.

25.13. Endanger the safety of vacationers, disturb those resting in designated areas.

26. Swimming devices must be registered and technically sound according to the laws of the Republic of Lithuania.

27. All users of swimming devices must be familiar with the manufacturer’s instructions and follow their requirements.


28. The registered vacationer is responsible for the consequences arising from not knowing or not complying with these rules, including any minors and accompanying persons.

29. Before departure, the vacationer must clean the premises and take out the trash, and return the premises and inventory to the campsite administrator. The keys to the room or cottage must be handed over personally to the responsible campsite administrator.

30. The responsible campsite administrator has the right to:

30.1. Evict persons who do not comply with and grossly violate these rules before the end of the term. In such cases, no refund is given for the unused accommodation period.

30.2. Refuse to accept the premises from the vacationer until order is ensured.

30.3. Demand compensation for any damage and losses incurred.

31. Any disputes between the campsite administrator and the vacationer or their accompanying persons must be resolved through negotiations. If the dispute cannot be resolved through negotiations, it is settled according to the laws of the Republic of Lithuania (for the campsite at Lake Aisetas) and the laws of the Republic of Latvia (for the campsite in the Pape area).

32. When calling for any assistance via the emergency number 112, to help authorities locate you more easily, provide the WGS coordinates:

The campsite near Pape in Latvia, WGS coordinates: 56°10’28.8″N 21°00’50.6″E.

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